If you have any query then comment down below and we will try our best to solve your query asap. So, this was our article on how to download LG Flash and the LGUP tool. If you want to know about your LG device IMEI number then with the help of LG Flash tool you can see all the information of your LG devices including model number, IMEI number, Phone software, and Software version.LG flash tool also allows you to install the stock firmware on multi-chip LG devices.The size of this tool is very small and it won’t take much space on your PC or laptop.
cab stock firmware on your LG tablet or smartphone without any issue. LGUP_Store_Frame_Ver_1_14_3.zip Features of LG Flash Tool On the config window, make it look like the picture below (note the DLL, S/W, and Action Mode) and hit OK: On the main window, hit the yellow arrow at the far left. LG FlashTool 2016 (patched): Setup_LGFlashTool_2.0.1.6-ieatacid.zip LG FlashTool (patched): LGFlashTool_patched.zip Installation of the latest version of device USB driver software. Megalock.dll file to replace in the file location. Download LG Flash Toollatest version from the given download links. LG FlashTool 2016: Setup_LGFlashTool_2.0.1.6.zip DOWNLOAD LG FLASH TOOL Requirements to flash Stock ROM with LG Flash A Windows Computer to execute the application. LG FlashTool 2015: Setup_LGFlashTool_2.0.1.5.zip LG Flash Tool 2014: LG Fla sh Tool 2014.zip